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3M Scott Sight Trade-In, Trade-Up Program

3M Scott Sight Trade-In, Trade-Up Program

  • Posted by Tucker Kuntz
  • On September 16, 2019
  • Posted by Tucker Kuntz
  • On September 16, 2019


3M Scott Fire & Safety is pleased to introduce a customer loyalty trade-in, trade-up program for the 3M Scott Sight In-Mask Thermal Imager.
For a limited time, all customers who purchased the Sight in-mask thermal imager between August 2016 and September 2018 are eligible for a free upgrade to version 1.2.
This upgrade provides improved battery performance during use and when in storage, as well as a timer-based, auto shut-off feature that automatically powers off the system when not in use.
For those customers that wish to add the new Pro Package at the same time as the upgrade to version 1.2, this package will be offered at a promotional price of $200. With Pro Package, customers will enjoy the benefit of improved battery performance,
while adding several exciting features to assist with greater situational awareness during fire ground operations.
Please use the selection guide below to choose the best option for your department.

Click the link below and follow the easy steps to have your Scott Sight Upgraded.

Scott Sight Upgrade Form



3M Scott Sight Pro Package

Sight Pro Package is the next evolution of the industry’s first in-mask, hands-free thermal imaging solution.
Pro Package enables new, advanced features to provide firefighters with greater situational awareness during fire ground operations.

Hot-Spot Tracker
Immediately identify the hottest part of the
scene and display its relative temperature.
Ideal for overhaul, search and rescue, and risk assessment.

Cold-Spot Tracker
Immediately identify the coldest part of the
scene and display its relative temperature.
Ideal for hazmat environments.

Tactical Video Recording (TVR)
Automatically record all the information shown
on the IMD for review later.


3M Scott Sight (version 1.2)

When you wear 3M Scott Sight, you get more than constant thermal vision.
You get your hands back. That’s because unlike other hand-held thermal imagers,
Sight uses a small thermal camera mounted to the side of the facepiece.
A miniaturized display mounted inside the facepiece allows the firefighter
to always see the image without the need for reaching down and handling
an imager.


Enhanced Battery Performance

New in-mask display provides improved
battery life during use and in storage.

Timer-Based, Auto Shut-Off
Automatically powers off the system when
not in use.


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